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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial

We all want clear skin, but nature has a way of sabotaging us with frustrating imperfections as we age, and sun and environmental damage accumulates. Fortunately, skin rejuvenation has advanced . The RejuvaLux IPL offers comfortable and effective treatment of sun damage and visible spider veins.

The RejuvaLux treatment uses pulses of concentrated light to clear:


The RejuvaLux IPL provides the most skin-safe, comfortable, and effective non-surgical laser light treatments without any downtime. Beware of salons calling there treatments “Photofacial”.  These are typically ineffective LED lights producing little result.  The RejuvaLux IPL is a broad band of intense light which is absorbed by pigment spots and spider veins effectively vaporizing them.  RejuvaLux IPL is safe, comfortable, and fast!

Call us today to schedule an appointment.  Dr. Severinac, our plastic surgeon,  performs all of our laser services for the best results!

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